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Flea cheeto-eatin dupe artist ( on 4/7/2021 - 5:27 p.m. says: ( 30 views , 5 likes )

"I emailed my good friend Johnny Bench about this"

Edited by Author at 4/7/2021 - 5:27 p.m.
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I talked to Curt Schilling last night...

No really. I follow him on the FB, and he regularly does a live stream where he just reads the FB comments and responds to them.

Last night, I asked him if he still plays strat. He said he plays APBA now and it's way better, so I'm going to have to check that out.

Anyhoo, somebody asked him about the All Star game moving out of GA. He said that, from what he's heard, neither the players nor the owners wanted the move. Apparently, it was the result of some "committee." He didn't specify what committee or who was on the committee. He just said that the decision wasn't made by the owners and players. According to him, the commisisoner wasn't even behind it.

And he likes the current commissioner.

I thought it was an interesting comment, but it's Schilling, so make of it what you will.

I did do a quick search to see if any players had commented on the move and came up with nothing. That seems kind of weird if the players support the move.


and am waiting for a reply.
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