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yt philosopher chef ( on 10/18/2018 - 6:17 p.m. says: ( 29 views , 6 likes )

"This part stood out to me..."

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The Third Turn

"The logic that drives each turn of our revolutionary spiral is Progressive Americans’ inherently insatiable desire to exercise their superiority over those they deem inferior. "

That is the guiding maxim of the "resistance." 

Thing is, I've noticed that those people taking on the mantle of "resistors" are typically inferior (by a lot of measures) to those people who are not "woke."

Resistors in my FB feed and around the internet are not the kind of people anyone would ever hold up for emulation. I get why they are angry (especially those I know well), but I think they have wildly mistaken why they are so angry.

Simply put, the resistors are not happy with their lives. People who are happy with their lives do not act like resistors. And the reason these resistors are not happy with their lives has more to do with the decisions they have made and their particular character deficiencies than anything Donald Trump ever thought of doing. I mean, these people were angry decades before Trump. They will be angry decades after Trump until they develop self awareness and find joy in their lives.

But it's a lot easier, I think, to project that anger onto political opponents than it is to do the hard work of figuring out why they are so angry. People who have somehow managed to convince themselves (despite all evidence to the contrary) that they are awesome don't usually have clear enough vision to see the root of their problems.

What's going on now has all the earmarks of a mass spiritual crisis. 

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