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chemosabe anonymous snipe artist ( on 10/1/2018 - 6:34 a.m. says: ( 39 views , 9 likes )

"That was a very weak argument, don't you think?"

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How we know Ford is lying

The author made several fatal logical errors.

First, the fact that Ford's allegations can not be corroborated means she is telling the truth? Huh?

Two: A lifetime lawyer parses his words so he must be "lying"? Not buying that one.

three: Ford has nothing to gain by this. That is completely false. Ford 1) becomes a darling of the left, something not to be dismissed in the bubble of her left-coast California world 2) has several "Go Fund Me accounts which will give her hundreds of thousands of dollars when this is done 3) She is a political activist who is adamantly opposed to the things Kav believes in

Four: Kav never said he never drank and Irish culture is that boys drink then tussle around with each other a bit..the "barfight" is to be expected of twenty year olds then when it is over you go back in and have a beer these "comments" from Democratic classmates of his at Yale ring ..Kav never claimed to be a choir


I think Ford is a whack-a-doodle. I watched her testimony and saw the same type of "pleading" I see with drug seekers in my office. She already lied to the SJC about her fear of flying, she can't get her story straight and can not give key facts that could be investigated, and she is willingly allowing herself to be a political pawn as opposed to going to the Maryland police. I did not find her testimony credible at all.

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