GENOABOY philosopher chef ( on 9/18/2018 - 10:01 a.m. says: ( 37 views , 6 likes )
"Let me ask you this BatJac"
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Glad I don't have to be confirmed for anything....

as there are a number of women of a certain age who might, and I say again might, come forward and decry my amateurish, amorous advances as sexual misconduct.  Is making a fourth attempt to get to second base during a make out session in a ’69 LeMans sexual misconduct?  She had grabbed my hand the first three times but let it go.  She grabbed it again the fourth time and said stop.  I did.  But I was trying to get there and didn’t take the unspoken communication as seriously as I should have. 

Or the case of another girl in a 72 Satellite in the parking lot of the Raleigh Avenue Baptist Church. I parked the car and turned off the lights and turned to her and tried to kiss her and she said no, and I said “Come on” as I leaned over further.  She said no again and I took her home.   A pattern of sexual misconduct is developing here.

Then there’s the case of another girl in the 72 Satellite.  Second base had been achieved and rounding into third when unzipping my pants was apparently an affront to dignity.  Three time loser here.  Throw me under the bus. 

So all of that happened 40 years ago.  Any of those women could come forward and say I sexually assaulted them with far more details than this psychologist has provided.  They could probably produce witnesses that would say we were together at the time or at least in the time period.  They might even remember the year.  Now it happens that the three women mentioned above bear me no ill will.  Well, one of them is my ex-wife so that’s a different story.  They all went out with me after the above events.  One even contacted me 20 years later to see if I was still married.  But the fact is any of them could come forward and accuse me of sexual assault with more details than the Kav accuser, and there could be three of them (or more) with better stories.

I'll pass on any nomination the president calls me to take. Wink



Were these defeats by virtue of playing a really strong schedule or were these some pretty subpar teams you were loosing to?

Starred by: WAR DAMN EAGLE    Ignatius J. Reilly    Aubiece    BATJAC1    Hobbes    J.M.   